Missing coins
How to find trade link
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To get started, read the following article: Missing coins
If you've completed an offer from AdGate but never received coins within 48 hours
after completion, you need to contact them.
In order to do so, simply follow the steps below:
AdGate on the our website:
  1. In your Profile click the "Coins" button;
  2. Pick the AdGate offerwall;
  3. You'll see an AdGate page. Find the "Support" button in the upper right corner and click it;
  4. A page with a list of offers that you've started will be opened;
  5. In that list you'll need to find the offer which wasn't paid and click "Contact";
  6. Fill out the form with all the details you can provide regarding the offer that you completed;
  7. Wait for their reply.
    It might take them several days to get back to you.
AdGate in the our android app:
  1. Open the AdGate offerwall;
  2. Scroll down all the offers till the very last;
  3. At the bottom you will see the Support button;
  4. Click the Support option, pick the offer you've completed but never received coins for, provide all the necessary details and submit the request!
  5. Wait for their reply.
    It might take them several days to get back to you.
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